Tuscan Ricotta Tart

Ingredients :

For the custard –

3 egg yolks

80 grams of sugar

30 gr of corn starch

1 lemon only the zest

½ liter of milk

For the stuffing :

the custard

300gr of ricotta

40g of sugar

1 egg yolk

For pasta :

150g of flour 00

50g of corn starch

50g of sugar

100g of butter

1 egg

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Method :


Mix the egg yolks with the sugar in a saucepan until it forms a foam.

Add the cornstarch and lemon zest.

Add the warmed milk and mix well

Place on the fire, always mixing the same rhythm / same direction, center / edges until the cream thickens.

Allow the cream to cool by making a little film adhere to the surface, to avoid the formation of a crust.


Mix starch and flour with sugar, previously melted butter, cinnamon and egg.

Knead until a homogeneous dough is formed and wrap it in cling film.

Place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.


Mix the custard (warm) with the ricotta, egg and sugar.


In the buttered pan (about 24cm in diameter), roll out the cold dough on the bottom and edges of at least one and a half centimeters.

Fill the freshly made shape with the filling.

Bake in a convection oven, preheated to 175 degrees centigrade and cook for 50 minutes.

Remove the hinge from the pan while warm and place the bottom on the serving plate. Serve chilled, accompanied with a dessert wine.